Transient transformation of the PLAT1:PLAT1-YFP construct to N. benthamiana. YFP channel showing PLAT1-YFP expression (A), RFP channel showing ER-rk CD3-959 mCherry marker expression (B), co-localisation of PLAT1-YFP with the ER-rk CD3-959 marker (C). PLAT1 expression in stable plat1-1 transgenics (line YFP13-1) rescued by the PLAT1:PLAT1-YFP rescue/reporter construct (D-I) 48 h following transfer of 3-d-old seedlings to control, NaCl or ABA plates, with YFP channel (D-F) and merged YFP and bright field channels (G-I). PLAT1 expression following transfer to control medium (D, G), following transfer to 200 mM NaCl (E, H), and expression following transfer to 1.5 µM ABA (F, I). Hypocotyl section from line YFP13-1 with YFP channel showing PLAT1:PLAT1-YFP reporter activity (J), red autofluorescence of chloroplasts (K), merged image of bright field, YFP and red autofluorescence (L). (M) Detail of (L), showing PLAT1 localisation to putative ER bodies (arrows) and the ER (arrow heads). Scale bar = 10 µm (A-C), 0.1 mm (D-L), 0.05 mm (M). n≥10.