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. 2014 Nov 11;13:157. doi: 10.1186/s12934-014-0157-5

Table 2.

Proteins secreted into the medium are identified by MS

No Protein name Predicted function M.W No Protein name Predicted function M.W
1 GH5-1 Endoglucanase 41.9 29 HP NA 26.5
2 GH7-1 Endoglucanase 47 30 HP NA 84.7
3 CHD-1 Cellobiose dehydrogenase 88.4 31 Dipeptidyl peptidase Glutamyl cycle 75
4 GH61-5 Cellulose degradation 34.2 32 GLA-2 Glycogen degradation 115.3
5 GPI Polysaccharide metabolism 43.1 33 Acw-12 NA 42.4
6 Cel74A Polysaccharide metabolish 89.1 34 Α-Larabinofuranosidase NA 72.6
7 Lectin 2B Cell wall 16.3 35 Acw-7 NA 25
8 GH47-5 Carbohydrate metabolism 77.9 36 ebG NA 31.8
9 Aminopeptidease 2 Peptide metabolic process 101.4 37 Tca-15 Malate metabolic process 35.5
10 GH3-4 Cellulose degradation 77.7 38 Endoglucanase IV Cellulose degradation 25.8
11 TRE-1 Carbohydrate metabolism 77.5 39 Secreted protein NA 22.2
12 eBG NA 78.7 40 GPI-anchored eBG Cell wall 41.9
13 Gllutaminase A Glutamine degradation 73.2 41 3-phytase A NA 66.5
14 CRO NA 110.7 42 HP NA 118
15 CWG Cell wall 49.2 43 Lysome Defense related protein 24.2
16 HP NA 30.1 44 Glucuronan lyase A NA 28.4
17 App Cell-cell adhesion 23.8 45 HP NA 34.4
18 6-phosphogluconolactonase Pentose phosphate pathway 41.2 46 Alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase Carboxylate catabolism 53.2
19 Tripeptidyl-peptidase Peptide degradation 63.3 47 GH11-1 Xylan degradation 23.8
20 GH61-1 Cellulose degradation 32.8 48 Chitin deacetylase NA 35
21 Beta-glucosidase Beta-glucosidase 96.6 49 HP NA 51.4
22 eBM Carboxylate catabolism 44.9 50 Gh28-1 Polygalacturonase 38
23 HP NA 36.1 51 oxdC Oxalate decarboxylase 51.1
24 HP NA 42.2 52 γ-glutamyltranspeptidase Glutamyl cycle 64
25 GH61-7 Cellulose degradation 33.3 53 Gh35-1 Lactose degradation 108.6
26 RA Polysaccharide degradation 28.1 54 HP NA 20.6
27 HP NA 99.5 55 HP NA 18.1
28 Serine peptidase NA 61.5 55 Beta-1,3-xoglucanase Polysaccharide degradation 96.2

GH, glycosylhydrolase. eBG, exo-beta-1,3-glucanase. CRO, copper radical oxidase. CWG, Cell wall glucanase. APP, abundant perithecial protein. eBM, endo-beta-1,4-mannanase. RA, Rhamnogalacturonan acetylesterase. Gla-2, glucoamylase-2. Acw-12, anchored cell wall protein-12. Tca, tricarboxylic acid-15. HP, Hypothetical protein. NA, function not known. Cellulose degrading enzymes are highlighted in bold.