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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Aging Ment Health. 2014 Jun 3;19(1):86–97. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2014.917606

Table 1.

Study 1: Descriptive Statistics and Relations Between the SCSRFQ and Measures of Demographic Variables, Religiousness/Spirituality, and Psychological Functioning (N = 66)

N(%)a Relation with
(r or z)
SCSRFQ, mean (SD) 32.9(6.6)
Demographic Variables
  Age, mean (SD) 69.3(5.9) −.01
  Education −0.65b
    High school or less 5(7.6)
    Some college 26(39.4)
    College degree 13(19.7)
    Graduate school 22(33.3)
  Gender −1.01c
    Male 22(33.3%)
    Female 44(66.7%)
  Raced −1.41e
    American Indian or Alaska Native 1(1.5%)
    Asian 2(3.0%)
    Black or African American 12(18.2%)
    White 48(72.7%)
  Marital Status −0.72f
    Married/living as 39(59.1%)
    Divorced 17(25.8%)
    Widow or widower 7(10.6%)
    Never married 3(4.5%)
  Religious Affiliation
    Protestant 28(42.4%)
    Catholic 21(31.8%)
    Other Christian 5(7.6%)
    Jewish 2(3.3%)
    Other religion 4(6.7%)
    None 6(9.1%)
  Religiousness/Spirituality Variables
    BMMRS-DSE, mean (SD) 26.2(6.6) .77***
    BMMRS-PRP, mean (SD) 0.0(3.9) .66***
    Positive Religious Coping, mean (SD) 14.0(6.8) .84***
    FACIT Total, mean (SD) 34.3(9.3) .58***
    FACIT Meaning/Peace, mean (SD) 23.0(6.6) .38**
    FACIT Faith, mean (SD) 11.3(4.0) .74***
  Psychological Functioning Variables
    Geriatric Depression Scale – Short Form,
    mean (SD)
3.7(3.3) −.10
    Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, mean (SD) 7.0(5.1) −.20
    Satisfaction with Life Scale, mean (SD) 22.1(7.4) .22

p <.01,


p <.001


N(%), unless otherwise noted


Some college or less versus college degree or more


Male versus female


N = 63


White versus ethnic minority


Married or living as married versus divorced, widowed, or never married

SCSRFQ = Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire; BMMRS-DSE = Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness and Spirituality – Daily Spiritual Experiences; BMMRS-PRP = Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness and Spirituality – Private Religious Practices; FACIT = Functional Assessment of chronic Illness Therapy