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. 2014 Oct 22;(449):105–130. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.449.7494

Table 1.

Amphibian species found in the RPPN Serra Bonita, southern Bahia, Brazil. Caption. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources): DD = Deficient Data; LC = Least Concern; VU = Vulnerable; NT = Near Threatened. Habitat: LL = Leaf litter or understory; S = Streams; P = ponds; B = bromeliads or epiphytes; Mating Activity = Period of mating activity: S = short (1–2 months); M = medium (3–7 months); and L = long (8–12 months); Sampling Method: OE = Opportunistic encounters; TF = Transect in the forest; TS = Transect in the streams; P = Pitfall; BP = Breeding pond sites. * = species only found in the inner forests; † = only acoustic record; # only recorded once or twice during the sampling.

Family/Species IUCN Habitat Mating Activity Sampling Method
Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925)* VU LL e S - P, OE
Brachycephalus pulex Napoli, Caramaschi, Cruz & Dias, 2011* - LL - TF
Ischnocnema verrucosa Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862* DD S, LL S TS, TF, P
Ischnocnema sp. (gr. parva)* - LL S TS, TF, P, OE
Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) LC P, LL M TF, TS, P, OE, BP
Rhinella granulosa (Spix, 1824) LC P, LL S OE, BP
Rhinella hoogmoedi Caramaschi & Pombal, 2006 LC P, S S TF, TS, P, OE
Rhinella jimi (Stevaux, 2002) LC LL - OE
Vitreorana eurygnatha (A. Lutz, 1925)* LC S L TS
Vitreorana uranoscopa (Müller, 1924)* LC S S TS
Ceratophrys aurita (Raddi, 1823) # LC LL - OE
Haddadus binotatus (Spix, 1824) LC LL L TF, TS, P, OE
Eleutherodactylusbilineatus (Bokermann, 1975)* LC LL S TF, P, OE
Pristimantis paulodutrai (Bokermann, 1975) LC LL - OE
Pristimantis sp. 1* - B L TF, TS, OE
Pristimantis sp. 2* - LL L TF, TS, OE
Pristimantis sp. 3* # - LL S OE
Pristimantis vinhai (Bokermann, 1975) LC LL L TF, TS, OE
Adelophryne mucronatus Lourenço-de-Moraes, Solé & Toledo, 2012* - LL - TF, TS, OE
Adelophryne sp.* - LL - TF, TS, OE
Gastrotheca sp.* # - B - TF, OE
Gastrotheca pulchra Caramaschi & Rodrigues, 2007* DD B - TF, TS
Aplastodiscus cf. weygoldti (Cruz & Peixoto, 1985)* NT S L TF, TS, OE
Aplastodiscus ibirapitanga (Cruz, Pimenta & Silvano, 2003)* LC S M TF, TS, OE, BP
Bokermannohyla circumdata (Cope, 1871)* LC S M TF, TS, OE
Bokermannohyla lucianae (Napoli & Pimenta, 2003)* DD S L TF, TS, OE
Dendropsophus anceps (Lutz, 1929) LC P M TF, BP, OE
Dendropsophus bipunctatus (Spix, 1824) # LC P S BP
Dendropsophus branneri (Cochran, 1948) LC P L BP
Dendropsophus elegans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) LC P L BP, TS
Dendropsophus giesleri (Mertens, 1950) LC P M BP
Dendropsophus haddadi (Bastos & Pombal, 1996) LC P L TS, BP
Dendropsophus novaisi (Bokermann, 1968) # DD P S BP, TF
Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) LC P S BP
Dendropsophus aff. oliveirai (Bokermann, 1963) LC P L BP
Hypsiboas albomarginatus (Spix, 1824) LC P L BP
Hypsiboas atlanticus (Caramaschi & Velosa, 1996) † LC P M BP, OE
Hypsiboas crepitans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) LC P M TF, BP
Hypsiboas exastis (Caramaschi & Rodrigues, 2003) # DD P S OE
Hypsiboas faber (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) LC P M TF, TS, BP, OE
Hypsiboas pombali (Caramaschi, Pimenta & Feio, 2004) LC P L TF, TS, OE, BP
Hypsiboas semilineatus (Spix, 1824) LC P S BP
Itapotihyla langsdorffii (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) # LC P S BP
Phasmahyla spectabilis Cruz, Feio & Nascimento, 2008 * DD S L TF, TS
Phyllodytes cf. maculosus Peixoto & Cruz, 1988 † LC B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes melanomystax Caramaschi, Da Silva & Britto-Pereira, 1992† LC B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes wuchereri (Peters, 1873) DD B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes sp. 1 - B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes sp. 2† - B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes sp. 3† - B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllodytes sp. 4† - B L TF, TS, OE
Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Boulenger, 1882 LC P L TF, TS, OE
Phyllomedusa nordestina Caramaschi, 2006 DD P M BP
Phyllomedusa rohdei Mertens, 1926 LC P M BP
Scinax argyreornatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) LC P S BP, OE
Scinax juncae Nunes & Pombal, 2010 - P M BP
Scinax x-signatus (Spix, 1824) LC P S BP
Scinax eurydice (Bokermann, 1968) LC P - TF, TS, BP, OE
Scinax sp. 1 # - P S BP
Scinax sp. 2 (gr. rostratus) # - - - BP
Scinax strigilatus (Spix, 1824)* DD S S TF, TS, OE
Sphaenorhynchus prasinus Bokermann, 1973 # LC P S BP
Trachycephalus mesophaeus (Hensel, 1867) LC P S TF, BP, OE
Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838* # LC - - TF, OE
Crossodactylus sp.* - S - TS, OE
Adenomera cf. thomei Almeida & Angulo, 2006* LC - - TS, P
Leptodactylus cupreus Caramaschi, Feio & São-Pedro, 2008 * # DD P - BP
Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799) LC P M BP, OE
Leptodactylus cf. latrans (Steffen, 1815) LC P M TS, BP, OE, P
Leptodactylus mystaceus (Spix, 1824) LC - - OE
Physalaemus camacan Pimenta, Cruz & Silvano, 2005 DD P M P, OE, BP
Physalaemus erikae Cruz & Pimenta, 2004 LC P M TF, P, OE, BP
Chiasmocleis crucis Caramaschi & Pimenta, 2003 DD P S TF, P, BP
Stereocyclops histrio (Carvalho, 1954)* # DD P S BP
Stereocyclops incrassatus Cope, 1870 LC P S P, OE, BP
Odontophrynus carvalhoi Savage & Cei, 1965* # LC S S OE
Proceratophrys renalis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)* # - LL - OE
Proceratophrys schirchi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)* LC S, LL L TF, TS, P, OE
Pipa carvalhoi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937) # LC P - BP
Siphonops annulatus (Mikan, 1820)* LC LL - TF, P, OE