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Table 6.

The average forest floor biomass (t ha–1, across seasons) and turnover of litter (rate and time) in Shisham forests of different ages in central Himalaya

Age of Shisham forests (years)
Components 5 10 15
Forest floor litter (t ha–1) 4·8 ± 2·69 5·6 ± 3·01 6·6 ± 3·37
% Allocation in fresh leaf litter 8·9 9·3 9·8
Partially and more decomposed litter 22·9 27·8 30·0
Wood litter 6·5 12·5 18·8
Miscellaneous litter* 24·6 21·1 19·1
Herbaceous litter 37·0 29·2 22·3
Turnover rate (kg year–1) 0·81 0·78 0·77
Turnover time (t, year) 1·23 1·28 1·29

* Includes reproductive parts of trees and litter parts of shrubs.      Includes living and dead herbaceous material, which accounted for 3·8–6·4 % of the values.