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Table 8.

Component wise net primary productivity (t ha–1 year–1) in trees, shrubs and herbs of Shisham forests in central Himalaya

Age of Shisham forests (years)
Vegetation 5 10 15
Tree layer 9·1 ± 1·25 12·5 ± 1·76 16·7 ± 2·02
 % Allocation in
 bole* 61·5 63·2 60·4
 branch 11·1 11·2 11·4
 leaf 6·6 4·8 4·8
 reproductive part 1·0 1·6 1·8
 coarse roots 14·3 12·8 15·6
 fine roots 5·5 6·4 6·0
Shrub layer 0·7 ± 0·74 1·2 ± 0·85 1·3 ± 0·98
 % Allocation
 above‐ground§ 71·4 75·0 69·2
 below‐ground 28·6 25·0 30·8
Herb layer 2·8 ± 1·42 2·6 ± 1·68 2·4 ± 1·92
 % Allocation
 above‐ground 78·9 78·1 75·8
 below‐ground 21·1 21·9 24·2
Total vegetation 12·6 ± 1·14 16·3 ± 1·43 20·3 ± 1·64

* Bole wood + bark, which accounted for 8·9–10·4 % of the values.      Branch + twigs (current shoots bearing leaves), which accounted for 3·3–4·0 % of the values.      Stump root (main root) + lateral roots (lateral branches of main root), which accounted for 3·2–7·2 % of the values.     § Stem + foliage, which accounted for 14·3–16·7 % of the values.