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Table 4.

Summary of the predictor variables significantly related to the number of leaf primordia per bud (dependent variable) of sample II, as selected in three steps of a stepwise regression

1 2 3
Slope –1·9 –0·1 –0·2
Bud diameter
 Slope 4·4 3·9 3·3
 t 30·6 29·5 13·3
Bud position
 Slope –0·15 –0·16
 t –12·3 –12·7
Bud length
 Slope 0·57
 t 3·2
r 2 0·64 0·72 0·73

For each regression analysis, the regression coefficient (slope) and the student’s t‐ratio of each independent variable and the coefficient of determination of the regression (r2) are indicated.