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Table 2.

Multi‐year seasonal allometric regression equations for six above‐ground components of a vine shoot

Variable a b c d k R 2 s.e. n
Primary stem mass (g) 1·799 0·998 0·565 –2·145 0·965 0·100 218
Lateral stem mass 5·436 0·696 0·992 –3·179 0·793 0·327 142
Primary leaf mass 1·091 0·400 0·298 0·739 –1·206 0·949 0·079 218
Lateral leaf mass 4·380 0·682 1·266 –3·661 0·819 0·279 153
Grape mass* 2·156 2·846 –0·293 –8·428 0·924 0·244 251
Total leaf area (dm2) 1·289 0·666 0495 –1·032 0·932 0·104 128

a, b, c, d and k represent regression parameters of the equation log W = log k + a log Dm + b log L + c log S + d log npl, where Dm, L, S and npl are primary stem diameter at mid‐length (cm), main stem length (cm), cumulative degree‐days (using a base temperature of 10 °C) and number of primary leaves per shoot, respectively. R2 is the adjusted correlation coefficient, s.e. is the standard error of the variable estimate and n is the number of samples. All regression equations were highly significant at P < 0·01 level. * Note that for grapes, a and d represent regression parameters of the grape peduncle diameter (Dp, mm) and the number of grapes per shoot (ng), respectively.