Figure 2.
In vivo effects of MSE-specific PPARγ deletion on overall survival, tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity. Female PPARγ-WT and PPARγ-MSE KO mice were treated with DMBA only or DMBA + ROSI, and assessed as described in the Methods section. Overall survival was expressed as the percentage of mice per genotype per treatment group surviving in a given week. Solid lines, PPARγ-WT mice; dashed lines, PPARγ-MSE KO mice; n, number of mice. (a) DMBA only-treated groups; significantly different as compared to respective PPARγ-WT controls, p < 0.05. (b) DMBA + ROSI-treated groups; biologically different as compared to respective PPARγ-WT controls, p = 0.06. (c) Total tumor incidences were calculated as the number of mice with any tumor divided by the total number of mice within a given genotype and treatment group, and expressed as percent + standard error (SE). Black bars, PPARγ-WT mice; White bars, PPARγ-MSE KO mice; number in parentheses, number of mice. (d) Mammary tumor incidences were similarly calculated based on the number of mice with mammary tumors within a given genotype and treatment group, and expressed as percent + SE. (e) Total tumor multiplicity, expressed as a mean ± SE, was defined as the total number of lesions per tumor-bearing mice for a given genotype and treatment group. (f) Mammary tumor multiplicity was calculated as the number of mammary tumors per mouse afflicted with a breast lesion for a given genotype and treatment group, and expressed as a mean + SE.