Table 2.
Outcomes for exercise capacity and HRQOL of repeated pulmonary rehabilitation program in COPD
Study | N | Timing when repeat program was delivered | Program content | Differences in 6MWD following repetition between and within groups (m) | Differences in HRQOL measures following repetition between and within groups |
Hill et al,91 2008* | Repeaters n=17 Non-repeaters n=59 |
Within 5 years of initial PR | Repeaters: 20 to 30 minutes of LL endurance training, LL resistance training with functional exercises; UL resistance training for those with difficulty with ADL involving arms Non-repeaters: educational and support group sessions |
Repeaters only Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR: 284 (32) vs 362 (30)‡ | NR |
Carr et al,90 2009† | Repeaters n=17 Control n=17 |
A mean of 3.7 weeks after AECOPD | Repeaters: breathing exercises, resistance and interval endurance training and education Control: usual care |
Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 362 (101) vs 284 (32)‡ Follow-up: 380 (114) vs 362 (30) Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 361 (114) vs 362 (101) Control only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 280 (79) vs 332 (93) |
Total CRDQ score (ppi) Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 19.2 vs 18.3 Follow-up: 19.5 vs 17.5 Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 17.4 vs 19.2‡ Control only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 17.9 vs 18.3 |
Rogmaglio et al,93 2006† | Repeaters n=14 Control n=15 |
Within 6 months after initial PR | Repeaters: endurance and resistance training of the limbs Optimization of pharmacologic treatment, disease education and behavioral, nutritional, and psychosocial counselling Control: no structured exercise program prescribed |
Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 296 (76) vs NR Follow-up: 254 (61) vs 258 (94) Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 252 (80) vs 296 (76)‡ |
SGRQ total score Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 31 (5) vs NR Follow-up: 37 (5) vs 35 (5) Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 38 (16) vs 31 (5)‡ |
Foglio et al,92 2001† | Repeaters n=17 Control n=19 |
Within 12 months after initial PR | Repeaters: endurance training, abdominal, UL and LL resistance training. Patient family education, nutritional programs and psychosocial counseling Control: encouraged to perform ADL with no structured exercise prescribed |
Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 497 (31) vs NR Follow-up: 462 (30) vs 470 (30) Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 439 (114) vs 497 (31)‡ |
SGRQ total score Repeaters vs control: Post-RPR: 46 (9) vs NR Follow-up: 44 (12) vs 45 (8) Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR 48 (15) vs 46 (9)‡ |
Heng et al94 2014* | Repeaters n=59 Non-repeaters n=237 |
Within 9 years of initial PR | Repeaters: 30 minutes of LL endurance training, UL and LL resistance training with functional exercises and multidisciplinary education Non-repeaters: encouraged to maintain 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week, may be linked with community maintenance program |
Repeaters only Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR: 339 (120) vs 379 (110)‡ |
Repeaters only: Pre-RPR vs Post-RPR CRDQ dyspnea (ppi) 11.8 (4.3) vs 15.5 (5.5)‡ CRDQ fatigue (ppi) 14.2 (5) vs 19.1 (2.6)‡ CRDQ EF (ppi) 30 (7.2) vs 34.4 (7.4)‡ CRDQ mastery (ppi) 18.4 (4.1) vs 20.5 (4.5)‡ |
Notes: All data are recorded as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated;
retrospective study,
Abbreviations: HRQOL, health-related quality of life; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RCT, randomized controlled trial; LL, lower limbs; UL, upper limbs; ADL, activities of daily living; NR, not reported; RPR, repeat pulmonary rehabilitation; CRDQ, chronic respiratory disease questionnaire; ppi, points per item; AECOPD, acute exacerbation of COPD; SGRQ, St George’s respiratory questionnaire; EF, emotional function; 6MWD, 6-minute walk distance; SD, standard deviation; vs, versus.