Figure 3. Chromatograms and kinetic behavior of BBR in the three cell lines.
(A–C) HPLC chromatograms. (A) Standard BBR; (B) Blank sample from BBR treated cells; (C) Samples from cells with BBR administration for 12 h. (D) Standard curves of BBR concentration verse AU intensity using HPLC assay. (E–G) Kinetic behavior of BBR in the cells in plot with the administration time in 24 h. (E) HepG2; (F) HeLa; (G) SY5Y cells. (H, I) LC/MS chromatograms of BBR in HepG2 cells after the administration for 24 h. (H) the mass spectrum of BBR; (I) the chromatogram of BBR. Standard BBR was shown in green; the sample was shown in purple color. Data are presented as mean ± S.D. from six independent experiments (n = 6).