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. 2014 Nov 17;9(11):e113160. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113160

Table 4. Log hazard ratio estimate (standard error) per 100 g usual intake of each of the three vegetable subgroups, calibrated with each of the three forms of regression calibration models in their reduced and standard forms.

Reduced form Standard form
VegetableSubgroups Calibration methods Inline graphic (s.ea; s.eb) s.e ratioc Inline graphic (s.ea; s.eb) s.eratioc
Leafy Naïve method −0.144 (0.027) −0.144 (0.027)
One-part linear calibration −0.480 (0.090;0.112) 1.24 −0.409 (0.083;0.127) 1.53
Two-part (untransformedDQ) −0.395 (0.092;0.183) 1.99 −0.174 (0.089;0.278) 3.11
Two-part (transformedDQ) −0.509 (0.090;0.292) 3.24 −0.461 (0.047;0.160) 3.41
Fruiting Naïve method −0.094 (0.014) −0.094 (0.014)
One-part linear calibration −0.125 (0.031;0.034) 1.11 −0.123 (0.031;0.034) 1.11
Two-part(untransformedDQ) −0.161 (0.030;0.034) 1.14 −0.109 (0.030;0.073) 2.42
Two-part (transformedDQ) −0.255 (0.037;0.108) 2.92 −0.228 (0.035;0.131) 3.74
Root Naïve method −0.160 (0.026) −0.16 (0.026)
One-part linear calibration −0.342 (0.060;0.082) 1.36 −0.305 (0.054;0.077) 1.43
Two-part(untransformedDQ) −0.203 (0.088;0.219) 2.49 −0.107 (0.060;0.167) 2.78
Two-part (transformedDQ) −0.479 (0.070;0.214) 3.06 −0.265 (0.056;0.181) 3.23

s.ea is the standard error (×10−2) for Inline graphic that does not account for the uncertainty in the calibration; s.eb is the standard error (×10−2) that accounts for the uncertainty in the calibration; s.e ratioc is the ratio of s.eb to s.ea.