Group differences in functional connectivity during worry reappraisal between elderly GAD participants and non-anxious comparison participants
Legend. Red: GAD>non-anxious comparison, blue: non-anxious comparison>GAD. BNST= bed nucleus of stria terminalis. PVN= paraventricular nucleus. vmPFC= ventromedial prefrontal cortex. BA= Brodmann Area. Visualized using BrainNet Viewer, version 1.42(64). Salience Network: Medial Frontal (t=4.26; df=54); Hippocampus (t=4.28; df=54); Superior frontal gyrus (t=4.44; df=54). Executive Control Network: vmPFC (t=4.41; df=54); Fusiform gyrus (t=4.59; df=54). BNST Connectivity: Medial frontal gyrus (t=4.08; df=54). PVN Connectivity: Amygdala(R) (t=4.88; df=54).