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. 2014 Dec 1;13(4):945–950.

Table 1.

Mean (±standard deviation) of the peak amplitude of the root mean square (RMS) and integrated electromyography (IEMG) before and after the static stretching (SS) protocol for vastus lateralis (VL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and groups (control and stretched).

Variable Muscle Control Group Stretched Group
Pre- Intervention Post- Intervention Pre- Intervention Post- Intervention
Peak RMS (Volts) VL .91 (.37) .87 (.18) .94 (.22) .99 (.25)
GL .53 (.11) .59 (.12) .59 (.15) .60 (.15)
IEMG (V.s) VL 780 (334) 746 (214) 787 (210) 842 (204)
GL 424 (110) 445 (92) 457 (111) 468 (118)