Quantification of peroxisome dynamics in BY-2 cells under standard growth conditions. Tobacco BY-2 EYFP-SKL cells were cultivated under nutrient-rich standard growth conditions (3% sucrose) and in the absence or presence of 3-MA and analyzed for (A) fresh weight, (B) cell viability, (C) cellular peroxisome number (mean values of peroxisome numbers per cell ± SE are shown; stars indicate a significant difference between –3-MA and +3-MA samples at the same timepoint: ***p < 0.0001, **p < 0.001, *p < 0.05) as determined from 3D-projections (examples shown in D), and (E) protein levels of compartment-specific markers CAT (peroxisomes), Toc75 (plastids) and Tom40 (mitochondria). In the absence of 3-MA, the signals for CAT (3 days) and EYFP were below the detection limit in the given experiment. The amounts of protein loaded into each lane correspond to equal volumes of cell culture. Full cell viability (0% cell death) and complete cell death (100%) corresponded to 20 OD units g-1 and 125 OD units g-1, respectively (dotted lines in C). Arrows indicate the time points of 3-MA application and removal by cell washing. Data from one representative experiment are shown.