Figure 6.
Root canal wall coverage and dentinal tubules infiltration of nanoparticles.
Notes: (A) Dentinal tubule orifices after root canal enlargement; (B) dentinal tubule orifices after treatment with Ca(OH)2; (C and D) nanoparticles covering the root canal wall and aggregating around the dentinal tubule orifices, with some nanoparticles infiltrating the tubules; (E, F, and G) elemental mappings show the presence of Ag, Ca, and Si in the nanoparticles covering the root canal wall; (H) Ca(OH)2 did not enter the dentinal tubules; (I and J) nanoparticles infiltrated the dentinal tubules (arrows); (K) EDS confirmed the presence of Ag, Ca, and Si in the nanoparticles within the dentinal tubules.
Abbreviations: EDS, energy dispersive spectrometry.