Figure 1. 3B analysis using Amazon EC2.
(a) Computation time versus the radius of the mosaic. (b) Illustration of the Amazon EC2 cloud that contains multiple instances, each of which can be individually configured on demand. (c) Cloud computing accelerates image reconstruction with increased field of view. Left, for a measured image, the inset shows super-resolution reconstruction of an area of 2.7 × 2.7 µm using a quad-core Core i7 computer; right, reconstruction of an increased area of 9.6 × 9.6 µm using 25 EC2 instances. The improvement is 12.5-fold. (d) Top, confocal epifluorescence image of PAmCherry-tagged tubulins in a U2OS cell with a field of view of 21 × 14 µm. Bottom, reconstructed image obtained by running 300 Amazon instances for 3.5 h. The same calculation would otherwise take 9 d to complete on a single-core computer. Scale bars, 2 µm (c) and 1 µm (d).