The presence of the chondrocyte marker collagen type II in 21-day DSPP-KO molars 1, 2, and 3, and acidic proteoglycan in 21-day DSPP-KO M2. Panels
(A–C) represent samples from 21-day DSPP-KO molar 1 (M1). (A) H&E staining of M1 at 100× magnification. The dentin is broken and the dental pulp is exposed. Few dental pulp cells remain, but those present are mixed with extracellular-matrix-like material. (B) IHC staining of M1 section with anti-collagen II antibody (100× magnification). Many cells within the remaining dental pulp are positively stained (blue). (C) Same section at 400× magnification. Collagen type II staining was blue as indicated by arrows. Panels
(D–F) represent samples from 21-day DSPP-KO M2. (D) H&E-stained M2 section at 100× magnification. Dentin is intact in this section, but was broken in later sections (data not shown). Inflammatory cells are present in dental pulp. (E) IHC staining of M2 section with anti-collagen type II antibody (at 100× magnification). (F) The same section at 400× magnification. Note the presence of positively stained cells. Collagen type II staining was blue as indicated by arrows. Panels
(G–I) represent sections from 21-day DSPP-KO M3. (G) H&E-stained M3 section at 400× magnification. (H) IHC staining of M3 using nonimmune serum as primary antibody (control) at 400× magnification. No staining was detected. (I) IHC staining of KO M3 using anti-collagen II antibody at 400× magnification. Blue staining, as indicated by arrows, was detected in dental pulp, which indicates the presence of collagen type II. Panels
(J–L) represent control sections from 21-day wt M2. (J) H&E-stained wt M2 section at 100× magnification. (K) IHC-stained wt M2 section using anti-collagen type II antibodies at 100× magnification. Note that no staining was detected. (L) IHC-stained wt M2 section using anti-collagen type II antibodies at 400× magnification. Note that no staining was detected. Panels
(M–O) represent sections from 21-day wt M2 and 21-day DSPP-KO M2 samples. (M–N) Sections were stained with Safranin O/fast green. (M) No Safranin O staining was detected in the dental pulp of 21-day wt M2 section (at 400× magnification). (N) Safranin O staining was observed in the dental pulp of 21-day DSPP-KO M2 section (at 400× magnification). Distinct difference in Safranin O staining was observed between wt pulp and DSPP-KO pulp. (O) H&E-stained section from 21-day DSPP-KO M2 (at 400× magnification). Note the presence of fibrocartilage and chondrocyte-like cell in lacuna (see arrow). IHC, immunohistochemical.