Timeline (days) of experimental procedures for Hymenolepis microstoma and Heligmosomoides bakeri coinfection experiments. Final treatment groups are denoted on the left for Experiment 1 (N: nematode only; LCN: low cestode infection, then nematode; HCN: high cestode infection, then nematode) and Experiment 2 (C: cestode only; CN: cestode then nematode; NC: nematode then cestode; SI: simultaneous inoculation; N: nematode only) with sample size (# mice) shown in parentheses. Abbreviations on each line are as follows: Hb = Heligmosomoides bakeri, Hm = Hymenolepis microstoma, CC55 = control cestode 55 day infection duration, CC34 = control cestode 34 day infection duration, CC21 = control cestode 21 day infection duration, CCN = control cestode then nematode, NCC = nematode then control cestode, saline = saline administered as a control for cestode inoculation, water = water administered as control for nematode inoculation.