Figure 2.
Growth and Se(IV)-reduction ofC. testosteroniS44 in LB broth with different concentrations of sodium selenite. Filled symbols show strain C. testosteroni S44 grown at 0.0 mM (■), 0.2 mM (●), 0.5 mM (▲), 1.0 mM(▼), 10.0 mM(★), and 25.0 mM (◆) sodium selenite (A). Open symbols show sodium selenite reduction at 1.0 mM (□) (control, no bacteria), 0.2 mM (○), 0.5 mM(△) and 1.0 mM (▽) sodium selenite (A), as well as 10.0 mM (☆) and 25.0 mM (◇) sodium selenite (B).