Figure 7.
Se(IV) resistance and reduction using different Se(IV) concentrations using fouriscRinsertional mutants inC. testosteroniS44. The different sites of transposon insertions in iscR is given in nt from the translational start codon; +30 is an insertion upstream of iscS(A); the predicted domains of the IscR protein (B) and growth in LB medium amended with different concentrations of Se(IV) at different time points (C). The four arrows indicate the four mutants of iscR-280 (a), iscR-327 (b), iscR-513 (c) and iscS + 30 (d), respectively in A and B. The order of the 5 PA bottles of C is wild type (WT), iscR-280 (a), iscR-327 (b), iscR-513 (c) and iscS + 30 (d), respectively.