Figure 1. De novo mutations from schizophrenia affect genes in the synapse and genes impacted in other neuropsychiatric diseases.
a. Synaptic protein-protein interactions between proteins affected by nonsynonymous de novo mutations in schizophrenia. Interactions were retrieved from the expert-curated lists in the SynSysNet database ( and plotted to show their general pre/postsynaptic localization. Genes belonging to various functional sets are as marked, and the 4 genes with LoF mutations are noted with a red outline. Proteins with nonsynonymous de novos had more than expected direct interconnections (p=0.008), which was consistent with more overall connectivity to synaptic proteins as a whole (p=0.005).
b. Overlap of genes bearing nonsynonymous (NS) de novo mutations in schizophrenia, autism, and intellectual disability. Overlaps of 6 or fewer genes are listed by name. See Extended Data Table 5 for statistical significance of these overlaps; see Table 2 and text for disease sets.