Figure 5.
Impaired proliferation of MozHAT−/− hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), neural stem cell, and progenitors is rescued by genetic deletion of p16INK4a. (A): Genotype segregation of live mice produced by intercrossing of heterozygotes mice for the p16INK4a/ARF and MozHAT mutations (Ink4a+/−, MozHAT+/−). Numbers indicate the frequencies of the mice for each genotype. (B): Analysis of E14.5 fetal liver HSCs frequencies in INK4a−/−MozHAT+/+ (Ko/Wt), INK4a+/+MozHAT+/+ (Wt/Wt), INK4a+/+MozHAT−/− (Wt/Ko), and INK4a−/−MozHAT−/− (Ko/Ko) littermates. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting plots show the percentage of Lin−Sca+cKit+ CD150+CD48− cells of representative individuals in each group. Bar graph represents the average percentage of Lin−Sca+cKit+ CD150+CD48− cells in each phenotype. (C): Competitive repopulation assay of irradiated mice. Data are expressed as Repopulating units per 10e6 cells. (D): Bar graph shows the size of the neurospheres formed by telencephalon cells isolated from INK4a+/+MozHAT+/+ (Wt/Wt), INK4a−/−MozHAT+/+(Ko/Wt), INK4a+/+MozHAT−/− (Wt/Ko), and INK4a−/−MozHAT−/− (Ko/Ko) littermates. *p < .05; **p < .01. Abbreviations: HSC, hematopoietic stem cell; Ko, knockout; MOZ, monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein; RU, repopulating unit; Wt, wild type.