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. 2014 Mar 3;27(4):772–783. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12350

Table 2.

Parameter estimates from the statistically best-supported binomial generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) for age-specific change in annual breeding success. Model 1218 from Table1 is shown, analyzing 12 789 records from 416 female elephants. Parameter estimates and standard errors (SE) are shown on the logit scale. ‘Age: AgeGroup (X)’ denotes an interaction between age as a linear covariate and age group, where the numbers in parentheses indicate the boundaries of the grouping. Note that age at first reproduction, age at last observation (LastAge) and Age were divided by 100 to aid model convergence.

Variable Estimate SE z P
Fixed effects
 Intercept −6.3010 1.1694 −5.39 <0.001
 Censored (0) 0.0000 0.0000
 Censored (1) 0.0086 0.0781 0.11 0.913
 AFR −7.5900 0.6895 −11.01 <0.001
 LastAge −0.5665 0.4588 −1.24 0.217
 Age 29.4712 11.4487 2.57 0.010
 AgeGroup (5–12) 0.0000 0.0000
 AgeGroup (13–18) 1.8569 1.3511 1.37 0.169
 AgeGroup (19+) 6.4823 1.1651 5.56 <0.001
 Age: AgeGroup (5–12) 0.0000 0.0000
 Age: AgeGroup (13–18) −5.8405 12.2471 −0.48 0.633
 Age: AgeGroup (19+) −30.7517 11.4613 −2.68 0.007
Random effects
 ID 0.0000 0.0000
 Year 0.0125 0.0150