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. 2013 Nov 19;35(3):227–243. doi: 10.1002/jcc.23490

Table 2.

Charging free energies Inline graphic of the guest molecules MAM and ACE in hydrated host molecules CAPO, CHB, CPOS, and CNEG, as well as in water, computed in cubic computational boxes of edge length L containing Nw water molecules using LS or BM electrostatic interactions (sections “Simulated guest-host systems“ and ”MD simulations”). Values obtained with the LS scheme in boxes of edge lengthsInline graphic, and Ll are labeled LS,ss, LS,s, LS,m, and LS,l, respectively, and values obtained with the BM scheme in boxes of edge lengths Lm and Ll are labeled BM,m and BM,l, respectively. The charging free energyInline graphic [eqs. (19) and (20)] is calculated as a sum of the raw charging free energyInline graphic [eq. (7)], and the correction termsInline graphic, andInline graphic [eqs. (10), (11), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18)]. Error estimates on the raw charging free energies refer to the statistical uncertainty obtained from block averaging.88

Guest Host/water Scheme Nw L (nm) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1) Inline graphic (kJ mol−1)
MAM CAPO LS,ss 471 2.46 −4.4± 0.2 −71.2 −75.4 0.0 −0.2 −151.2
LS,s 780 2.90 −12.4± 0.2 −62.4 −76.3 0.0 −0.1 −151.2
LS,m 1095 3.24 −17.6± 0.2 −56.8 −76.9 0.0 −0.1 −151.4
LS,l 1792 3.81 −24.7± 0.2 −49.2 −77.1 0.0 −0.1 −151.1
BM,m 1095 3.24 −8.5± 0.2 −72.3 −68.9 0.0 −0.3 −150.0
BM,l 1792 3.81 −9.7± 0.2 −71.3 −67.8 0.0 −0.3 −149.1
CHB LS,ss 469 2.46 −38.7± 0.8 −70.5 −75.4 −0.7 −0.2 −185.5
LS,s 780 2.90 −47.3± 0.9 −61.8 −76.3 −0.4 −0.1 −185.9
LS,m 1095 3.24 −53.2± 0.8 −56.3 −77.1 −0.3 −0.1 −187.0
LS,l 1781 3.81 −59.7± 0.9 −48.9 −77.3 −0.2 −0.1 −186.2
BM,m 1095 3.24 −44.1± 0.3 −71.2 −69.0 −0.9 −0.3 −185.5
BM,l 1781 3.80 −44.3± 0.3 −70.2 −68.0 −0.9 −0.3 −183.7
CPOS LS,ss 473 2.46 115.7± 0.5 −209.7 −75.4 155.8 −0.2 −13.8
LS,s 780 2.90 111.2± 0.5 −184.6 −76.3 133.3 −0.1 −16.5
LS,m 1090 3.23 107.6± 0.6 −168.6 −76.9 120.0 −0.1 −18.0
LS,l 1772 3.80 102.8± 0.6 −146.4 −77.1 102.6 −0.1 −18.2
BM,m 1090 3.23 122.2± 0.5 −212.8 −69.1 142.4 −0.3 −17.6
BM,l 1772 3.80 119.7± 0.6 −209.9 −68.2 142.4 −0.3 −16.3
CNEG LS,ss 473 2.46 −234.2± 1.8 69.9 −75.4 −157.9 −0.2 −397.8
LS,s 780 2.90 −245.4± 1.8 61.5 −76.3 −134.6 −0.1 −394.9
LS,m 1095 3.25 −252.6± 1.6 56.0 −76.5 −120.5 −0.1 −393.7
LS,l 1785 3.81 −261.2± 1.9 48.6 −77.2 −102.9 −0.1 −392.8
BM,m 1095 3.25 −248.9± 0.4 70.8 −68.3 −145.1 −0.3 −391.8
BM,l 1785 3.81 −248.7± 0.4 69.8 −67.7 −145.1 −0.3 −392.0
Water LS,ss 533 2.54 −172.6± 0.5 −75.8 −77.8 0.0 −0.2 −326.4
LS,s 800 2.90 −181.8± 0.5 −66.7 −78.3 0.0 −0.1 −326.9
LS,m 1091 3.21 −188.1± 0.5 −60.4 −78.4 0.0 −0.1 −327.0
LS,l 1827 3.80 −197.8± 0.5 −51.3 −79.2 0.0 −0.1 −328.4
BM,m 1091 3.21 −173.7± 0.5 −77.4 −76.6 0.0 −0.3 −328.0
BM,l 1827 3.80 −175.5± 0.5 −75.7 −79.2 0.0 −0.3 −330.7
ACE CAPO LS,ss 468 2.46 −74.5± 0.2 −70.8 75.4 0.0 −0.3 −70.2
LS,s 780 2.90 −84.5± 0.2 −62.1 76.3 0.0 −0.2 −70.5
LS,m 1095 3.24 −90.8± 0.3 −56.5 76.8 0.0 −0.1 −70.6
LS,l 1792 3.81 −99.1± 0.3 −49.0 77.1 0.0 −0.1 −71.1
BM,m 1095 3.24 −65.9± 0.3 −71.7 68.4 0.0 −0.4 −69.6
BM,l 1792 3.81 −66.2± 0.3 −70.7 67.4 0.0 −0.4 −69.9
CHB LS,ss 471 2.46 −117.8± 0.5 −70.2 75.4 −0.2 −0.3 −113.1
LS,s 780 2.90 −128.0± 0.6 −61.7 76.3 −0.1 −0.2 −113.7
LS,m 1090 3.24 −134.1± 0.6 −56.3 76.9 −0.1 −0.1 −113.7
LS,l 1784 3.81 −142.7± 0.6 −48.8 77.2 −0.1 −0.1 −114.5
BM,m 1090 3.24 −109.5± 0.4 −71.0 68.5 −0.3 −0.3 −112.6
BM,l 1784 3.81 −110.0± 0.4 −70.0 67.6 −0.3 −0.3 −113.0
CPOS LS,ss 474 2.47 −288.7± 0.3 70.0 75.5 −157.6 −0.3 −301.1
LS,s 780 2.90 −301.9± 0.3 61.6 76.3 −134.5 −0.2 −298.7
LS,m 1095 3.24 −310.1± 0.3 56.1 76.5 −120.5 −0.1 −298.1
LS,l 1781 3.80 −319.8± 0.3 48.8 77.3 −103.0 −0.1 −296.8
BM,m 1095 3.24 −290.5± 0.3 70.8 68.3 −144.8 −0.3 −296.5
BM,l 1781 3.80 −289.3± 0.3 69.8 67.9 −144.9 −0.3 −296.8
CNEG LS,ss 479 2.47 37.5± 0.4 −208.9 75.5 155.8 −0.3 59.5
LS,s 780 2.90 30.2± 0.4 −184.6 76.3 133.7 −0.2 55.4
LS,m 1095 3.24 25.0± 0.4 −168.2 76.7 120.0 −0.1 53.4
LS,l 1788 3.81 18.0± 0.4 −146.1 77.2 102.5 −0.1 51.5
BM,m 1095 3.24 55.4± 0.4 −212.9 68.4 143.2 −0.3 53.8
BM,l 1788 3.81 53.3± 0.4 −210.1 67.7 143.2 −0.3 53.8
Water LS,ss 526 2.53 −300.8± 0.6 −76.0 77.6 0.0 −0.3 −299.5
LS,s 800 2.90 −310.6± 0.7 −66.6 78.3 0.0 −0.2 −299.1
LS,m 1132 3.25 −318.6± 0.7 −59.7 78.9 0.0 −0.1 −299.5
LS,l 1826 3.81 −327.0± 0.7 −51.2 79.1 0.0 −0.1 −299.2
BM,m 1132 3.25 −299.8± 0.6 −77.2 77.0 0.0 −0.3 −300.3
BM,l 1826 3.81 −301.5± 0.6 −75.6 79.0 0.0 −0.3 −298.4