Figure 6.
In vivo Glut1 deletion decreases leukemic tumor burden. (a) Schematic diagram showing tamoxifen treatment to induce Glut1 deletion in vivo. (b) Glut1fl/fl CreER B-ALL were transferred and hosts treated with vehicle or tamoxifen on day 3, and purified B-ALL cells were analyzed by immunoblot from individual mice. (c) Flow cytometry from representative spleen and bone marrow on day 10 of recipient animals that received WT Cre-ER or Glut1fl/fl Cre-ER and were treated with vehicle or tamoxifen. (d) Percentages and numbers of GFP+ transferred B-ALL cells on day 10 in individual mice treated as indicated with vehicle or tamoxifen. Means and S.D. from n=5 mice/group for WT CreER group and n=10 mice/group for Glut1fl/fl CreER group are shown. ****P<0.0001. NS, not significant