FIG. 6.
Mean density of peripherin-stained nerve fibers in cervix of Ptgfr−/− and wild-type mice (±SEM, n = 3–5 per group) adjusted for hypertrophy of pregnancy (cell nuclei number/μm3 ± 103). Under bright-field microscopy, boxes in an eyepiece reticle grid (10 ± 10 boxes) that contained immunoreactive nerve fibers were counted, and area of innervated tissue was calculated as described previously in [41] and in Materials and Methods. Group designations are the same as in previous figures. P < 0.05 with respect to group NP (a) or D18 (b) of pregnancy same strain (ANOVA F > 5.2, df = 4), or asterisk (*) compared with wild-type mice same group (t = 4.23), or double asterisk the (**) vs. wild-type mice from D18 group (F = 5.2, df = 3).