Figure 5. Metabolic characterization of MLYCD depletion.
(A) Schematic representation of isotope tracing experiment with 13C16-Palmitate. Black-filled circles indicate 13C-carbon, whereas the white filled circles represent the unlabeled carbon. The schematic shows the expected composition of labeled carbons of the indicated metabolites. (B) Labeling incorporation from 13C-Palmitate into Palmitoyl-carnitine in non-targeting control (NTC) and MLYCD-depleted (shMLYCD) cells. Data are shown as percentage of 13C16-palmitoylcarnitine to the total pool of Palmitoyl-carnitine. (C) Labeling incorporation from 13C16-palmitate into TCA cycle intermediates of the indicated cell lines. Data are shown as percentage of the m+2 isotopologue to the total pool size of each metabolite. (D) Schematic representation of isotope tracing experiment with 13C6-Glucose. The distribution of light and heavy carbons is depicted as in A. (E) Labeling of Citrate and of (F) Palmitate after incubation with 13C6-glucose. Data are shown as percentage of the indicated isotopologue to the total pool size of each metabolite. Isotopologue distribution of citrate is indicated in Figure 5—figure supplement 6. Palmitate isotopologues above m+10 were not detected (G) Schematic representation of isotope tracing experiment with 1,2-13C2-Glucose. Ru5p: ribulose-5-phosphate. The distribution of light and heavy carbons is depicted as in A. (H) Ratio between m+1 and m+2 isotopologues of Lactate in the indicated cell lines. (I) Ratio between reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione in RPMI-8226 cells infected with the indicated constructs. (J) Cell counts after 72 hr of culture of the indicated cell lines in the presence or absence of 2 mM N-Acetyl Cysteine. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m of three independent cultures. *p-value<0.05. **p-value<0.01. ***p-value < 0.001.