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. 2013 Jan;2(1):18–25.

Table 7.

Analysis of correlation between using telemedicine frequency and culture- language distinctions and level of literacy considerations

Using telemedicine frequency culture- language distinctions and level of literacy considerations Low
Very much
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Strongly disagree 6 33.3 8 44.4 3 16.7 1 5.6 18 100
Disagree 14 36.8 11 28.9 8 21.1 5 13.2 38 100
Almost agree 7 14.9 10 21.3 18 38.8 12 25.5 47 100
Agree 0 0 10 34.5 11 37.9 8 27.6 29 100
Total 27 20.5 39 29.5 40 30.3 26 19.7 132 100
Significant: 0.004 Df:9 χ2: 23.8