Choose an oversampling γ > 1 and set s = ⌈γm⌉.
Generate G = randn(n, s), i.e., an n-by-s random matrix whose entries are independent random variables following the standard normal distribution.
Compute à = AG.
Compute Ã’s compact SVD ŨΣ̃ṼT, where r = rank(Ã), Ũ ∈ ℝn × r, Σ̃ ∈ ℝr × r, Ṽ ∈ ℝs × r, and only Ũ and Σ̃ are needed.
Let M = ŨΣ̃−1.
Compute the min-length solution to minx ‖MTAx − MTb‖2 using an iterative method, denoted by x̂.
Return x̂.