Figure 2. sas-1 is required paternally for centriole integrity in the embryo.
(A–H, J–M) sas-1(t1476) heterozygote (control, A, C, E, G, J, L) or sas-1(t1476) homozygote (B, D, F, H, K, M) males expressing the indicated GFP fusion proteins were mated to control animals and the resulting embryos analyzed just after fertilization (A–H) or during mitosis (J–M), staining for GFP (magenta) and IFA (yellow). DNA is shown in cyan. In this and other figures, insets are ∼6 fold magnified views of boxed regions unless stated otherwise. (I, N) Quantification of experiments shown in A–H (I) and J–M (N). (O–R) Electron micrograph of a wild type centriole (O–P) and of a serially-sectioned sas-1(t1476) mutant embryo at pronuclear meeting (Q–R). Note electron dense material in the sas-1 mutant embryo, with no recognizable centriolar cylinder. 3 sas-1(t1476) embryos were analyzed and no centrioles were found. Note also microtubules emanating from this area (arrowheads). See also Fig. S4–S5.