Figure 5. SAS-1 is a stable centriolar component recruited very early after fertilization independently of other centriolar proteins.
(A, D, F, I) Schematics of experiments performed in the corresponding figures. (B, G) Embryos stained for GFP to reveal GFP-SAS-1 (yellow) and IFA (magenta). DNA is in cyan. Note that a GFP focus was not detected in some embryos, perhaps due to a very weak signal. However, some embryos exhibit just one very bright signal, supporting a bona fide asymmetry of SAS-1 distribution between the two sperm centrioles. Note that the embryo in B is in telophase of the one-cell stage. (E) Quantification of FRAP experiments performed with sas-1(t1476) GFP-SAS-1 embryos bleached at indicated time points. Centriolar signal intensity was quantified as depicted in (D). A schematic of an experiment performed at pronuclear meeting is shown in (D). (C, H) Quantification of experiments shown in B and G. Note that in C, embryos from the 1- until the 4-cell stage were scored. (J–N) Indicated components were inactivated using RNAi in GFP-SAS-1 hermaphrodites, which were mated with control males that contributed unlabeled paternal centrioles. Embryos were stained for SAS-1 (yellow) and GFP (magenta), except (N), where IFA was used instead of SAS-1 (yellow). DNA is in cyan. N = 10 for each condition.