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. 2014 Nov 21;6(9):82. doi: 10.1186/s13195-014-0082-1

Table 2.

Summary of methodological approaches used in the community-based neuropathological studies summarized in this review

Study n Neuropathological criteria Tau α-Syn Ubi/p62 TDP-43 Vascular pathologies HS
MAP [27,30-33] 425 + + + +a + + + + +
ROS [27,30,32-35] 539 + + + +a + + + +b + +
MRC CFAS [21,36-39] 525 + + +a,c + + + + + +
CC75C + [40] 224 + + +a + + + + + +
Vantaa 85 + d [41-43] 304 + + +a + + + + + +
Hisayama [44,45] 205 + + +e + + + +
HAAS [46-48] 439 + + +e + + + +
ACT [49,50] 438 + + + +e + + +
BALS [51,52] 209 + + +e + +
OBASd [53,54] 125 + + + +e + + + +
90+ Studyd [55] 108 + + +e + + + + + +
VITA [5] 233 + + + + +c + + + + + + +

Aβ, amyloid beta; ACT, Adult Changes in Thought; α-Syn, α-synuclein; BALS, Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Ageing; BB, Braak and Braak staging for Alzheimer’s disease; Br, Braak; C, Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD criteria; CC75C, Cambridge City Over-75 s Cohort; DLB, McKeith criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies; HAAS, Honolulu–Asia Aging Study; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; MAP, Rush Memory and Aging Project; MRC CFAS, Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study; n, number of individuals included in the studies; NA, National Institute on Aging–Alzheimer’s Association criteria; NR, National Institute on Aging–Reagan criteria; OBAS, Oregon Brain Aging Study; ROS, Religious Orders Study; TDP-43,Tar-DNA binding protein 43; Ubi, ubiquitin; VITA, Vienna Trans-Danube Aging study. aDLB criteria 1996. bNot assessed in all participants. cBraak staging for Parkinson’s disease. dAge of autopsied cohort >90 years. eDLB criteria 2005.