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. 2014 Nov 21;6(9):82. doi: 10.1186/s13195-014-0082-1

Table 3.

Frequency of different neuropathological variables in community-based studies

Study Alzheimer’s disease-related pathologies α-Syn TDP-43 HS Vascular pathologies Mixed pathology
MAP [27,30] 59% (195) 15% (195) 13% (100) 46%a (195) 23% (195)
ROS [27,30,35] 61% (386) 21% (386) 46% (130) 13% (100) 49%a (386) 28% (386)
MRC CFAS [21,37] 52% (456) 46% (456) 39% (29% amygdala) (208) 70%b (456)
CC75C [40] 39%c (213) 28% (213) 15% (213) 56%d (213)
Vantaa 85+ [41-43] 70% (304) 66% (180) 41%e (180) 36% (304) 5% (132) 55%a (132) 40% (132)
Hisayamaf [44,45] 62% (205) 29% (205) 31% (29) 10%g (29)
HAAS [48] 19%h (363) 10%f (363) 9%f (363) 28%d (363) 39.5% (363)
ACT [49] 62% (438) 47% (438) 14% (438) 35%d (438)
BALS [51,52] 56%i (209) 6%f (34) 44%a (179)
OBAS [53] 62% (71) 44% (71) 20% (71) 7% (71) 46%d (71)
90+ Study [55] 67% (108) 6%j (108) 31% (108) 29%f (66) 19%k (108)
VITA [5] 38% (233) 35% (233) 25% (17.2% amygdala) (233) 13% (233) 3% (233) 49%l (233) 74% (233)

AD-related pathology according to CERAD was defined as moderate and frequent neuritic plaques. Using NIA–Reagan criteria, intermediate and high likelihood probabilities were included as AD-related pathology. Mixed pathologies were usually defined as AD plus any other pathology, if not further specified. Values in parentheses refer to the total number of brains autopsied and evaluated for pathologies in the referred study. ACT, Adult Changes in Thought; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; α-Syn, α-synuclein; BALS, Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Ageing; CC75C, Cambridge City Over-75 s Cohort; CERAD, Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD criteria; DLB, McKeith criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies; HAAS, Honolulu–Asia Aging Study; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; MAP, Rush Memory and Aging Project; MRC CFAS, Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study; NIA, National Institute on Aging; OBAS, Oregon Brain Aging Study; ROS, Religious Orders Study; TDP-43,Tar-DNA binding protein 43; VITA, Vienna Trans-Danube Aging study. aMacroscopic and microscopic infarcts/brain infarcts. bAny vascular disease. cSevere hippocampal neurofibrillary tangles. dMicroinfarcts/cortical microvascular lesions. eBraak stages IV to VI with moderate or frequent neuritic plaques. fData only reported for demented subjects. gAD + vascular disease. hPure AD cases defined as frequent neuritic plaques according to CERAD or Braak stages V and VI. iComposite AD pathology score by summing CERAD and Braak in equal measures (score >4 included). jDLB high likelihood. kAD + DLB/frontotemporal dementia. lVascular pathology including bleeding and ischemic lesions.