Figure 4.
Assessment of VDR-RXR interactions. A, Analysis of overexpressed RXR on VDR transactivation in response to 120 nM 1, 25-D3. Data are represented as the average fold activation normalized to VDR alone (no RXR) ± SEM (n = 4). Asterisks above bars represent a significant increase in VDR transactivation in the presence of RXR compared to the control (no RXR). ***, P < .001; **, P < .01; *, P < .05. Asterisks above the brackets indicate a significant difference between VDRα and VDRβ. B, Mammalian two-hybrid analysis of VDR-RXR interaction in response to 120 nM 1, 25 D3. Data are represented as the average fold interaction normalized to VDR alone (no pM-RXR). Asterisks above bars represent either a significant interaction between VDR and RXR compared with the control. ***, P < .001; **, P < .01; *, P < .05. Asterisks above brackets indicate a significant differences in VDR-RXR interaction in the presence and absence of SRC1. The symbol (dagger) indicates that the interaction between medaka VDRβ and RXR was found to be significant with an unpaired t test compared with VDRβ alone: t6 = 13.71, P < .0001.