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. 2014 Oct 6;289(47):32617–32627. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.591958


Data collection, refinement, and Ramachandran statistics for SAMHD1c tetramers in the presence of dGTP/dATP, dGTP/dCTP, dGTP/dTTP, dGTP/dUTP, and GTP/dATP substrates

Data were obtained from the best diffracting crystal of SAMHD1c H206R/D207N according to crystallization conditions (see “Experimental Procedures” for details) and collected at −180 °C. Crystallographic phases were solved using molecular replacement based on the SAMHD1c-dGTP/dGTP tetramer model (Protein Data Bank code 4BZB). Refinement was carried out using Phenix. Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.

Data collection
    Space group P21 P21 P21 P21 P21
    Cell dimensions
        a, b, c (Å) 88.56/147.26/98.80 87.97/147.02/98.87 87.83/146.74/98.94 87.86/146.60/98.69 87.70/146.72/99.26
        α, β, γ (degrees) 90/114.63/90 90/114.31/90 90/114.29/90 90/114.62/90 90/114.76/90
    Asymmetric unit content 4 4 4 4 4
    Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
    Resolution (Å) 38.34-2.20 (2.28-2.20) 38.67-2.10 (2.18-2.10) 33.98-2.30 (2.38-2.30) 42.91-2.30 (2.38-2.30) 42.99-2.20 (2.28-2.20)
    Rmerge 0.134 (0.500) 0.108 (0.495) 0.090 (0.539) 0.113 (0.487) 0.074 (0.505)
    Rmeas 0.146 (0.544) 0.117 (0.531) 0.101 (0.604) 0.123 (0.531) 0.089 (0.605)
    〈II 5.7 (2.1) 7.0 (2.3) 8.0 (1.7) 7.2 (2.3) 6.8 (1.6)
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (100.0) 99.8 (100.0) 99.9 (99.8) 99.8 (100.0) 99.3 (99.7)
    Redundancy 6.38 (6.38) 7.68 (7.68) 5.09 (5.01) 6.46 (6.46) 3.20 (3.18)
    Mosaicity 0.65 0.43 0.78 0.51 0.78

    Resolution (Å) 38.34-2.20 (2.26-2.20) 38.67-2.10 (2.15-2.10) 33.98-2.30 (2.36-2.30) 42.91-2.30 (2.36-2.30) 42.99-2.20 (2.26-2.20)
    No. of unique reflections 116,344 132,888 101,122 100,456 114,395
    No. of test reflectionsa 2002 2009 2013 2011 2000
    Rwork/Rfree 0.228/0.270 (0.257/0.313) 0.226/0.269 (0.287/0.325) 0.209/0.250 (0.338/0.390) 0.197/0.250 (0.279/0.349) 0.214/0.264 (0.362/0.374)
    No. of atoms
        Protein 15,753 15,756 15,798 15,768 15.739
        Ligand/ion 376 368 336 359 372
        Water 386 394 228 182 191
    Average B-factors (Å2)
        Protein 42.78 38.23 68.49 64.62 66.04
        Ligand/ion 32.00 29.63 48.69 44.41 53.20
        Water 40.75 26.16 46.65 26.81 58.97
        Wilson B (Å2) 41.64 39.06 46.35 46.88 53.00
    Root mean square deviations
        Bond lengths (Å) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.006
        Bond angles (degrees) 0.979 0.971 0.953 1.070 1.146

MolProbity statisticsb
        All atom clashscore 8.99 7.14 7.50 6.83 6.20
        Rotamer outliers (%) 2.04 2.86 2.21 2.10 1.11
        Cβ deviation 4 4 4 5 0

        Favored region (%) 96.44 97.02 95.88 97.13 96.33
        Allowed region (%) 3.29 2.98 4.02 2.77 3.40
        Outliers (%) 0.26 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.26
PDB accession code 4QFX 4QFY 4QFZ 4QG0 4QG1

a Random selection.

b Values were obtained from MOLPROBITY.