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Table 2.

Polysaccharide and monosaccharide content of plant taxa

Uronic acids
Classification Species MLG Xyloglucan GalA GlcA αGlcA‐(1→3)‐Gal Mannose 3‐O‐Methylrhamnose
Algae Chlorophyte Ulva lactuca * ++ ++ ±
Charophytes Chara corallina ++ + ± +
Coleochaete scuata ++ + ? +
Klebsormidium flaccidium +
Bryophytes Hornwort Anthoceros caucasicus + +++ ++ +++ + +
Thalloid liverworts Lunularia cruciata + ++ + ++
Pellia epiphylla + +
Leafy liverworts Trichocolea tomentella + ? +++ +
Lepidozia reptans + +++
Nardia scalaris + +
Marsupella emarginata + ++ +
Plagiochila asplenioides + +++
Lophocolea bidentata (*) + ++
Scapania undulata ++ ++ ++
Pleurozia purpurea + +++
Porella cordaeana + +++ +
Mosses Sphagnum palustre + ++ ++ ++
Sphagnum molle + ++ +
Andrea rupestris + + +
Polytrichum formosum +++
Dicranum scoparium + ++ ± ++
Mnium hornum + ++ ± ++
Philonotis fontana + ++
Rhizomnium punctatum + +++
Hookeria lucens +++
Thuidium tamariscinum + ++ ± ++
Plagiothecium undulatum + ++ ± ++
Hypnum cupressiforme + ++ ± ++
Vascular Lycopodiophytes + + ± +++
plants Eusporangiate ferns + + ± ±
Leptosporangiate ferns + + ± ±
Gymnosperms + + ± ±
Angiosperms, dicotyledons + + ± ±
Angiosperms, gramineous     monocotyledons and Flagellaria + ± + ± ±

–, Not detectable; ±, trace; +, present at low concentration; ++, present at moderate concentration; +++, present at high concentration; blank cell, not tested.

* Licheninase‐digestible polysaccharide present (in the case of Lophocolea not always detectable; see text), but not simple MLG.

3‐O‐methylrhamnose was present in homosporous lycopodiophytes but absent from homosporous lycopodiophytes.