Fig. 2. Models of spikelet structure in C. jamaicense, showing the arrangement of bracts and of male and hermaphroditic flowers as seen in condensed transverse (top row) and longitudinal (bottom row) views, under determinate (A and B) and indeterminate (C and D) hypotheses of spikelet development. The interior ensheathing bract is a spikelet bract (B6) under models C and D, but is the prophyll (dotted line) of a bud axillary to B6 under models A and B. Prophylls are not associated with axillary flowers in C and D. C. jamaicense has a spikelet with the arrangement of bracts, flowers, and prophylls presented in B. Black circles, hermaphroditic flowers; grey circles, male flowers; grey oval, spikelet apex; black leaves, bracts on the spikelet main axis; grey leaves, prophylls on spikelet axillary branches; Pr, Prophyll on main spikelet axis; B5, B6, fifth and sixth bracts on the main spikelet axis; F1, first flower to mature; F2, second flower to mature.