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Table 4.

Flow cytometric analysis A. dealbata seedlings following colchicine treatment of imbibing seeds

 Colchicine treatment Percentage of seedlings
Conc. (mg l–1) Duration (h) Germination (%) 2n* 3n 4n Mixoploid*
0 50 90 94·4 5·6
0 75 70 100 
0 100 85 94·1 5·9
500 50 60 83·3 4·2 12·5
500 75 60 66·7 8·3 25·0
500 100 60 37·5 25·0 37·5
500 150 53 19·1 23·8 57·1
1000 50 68 61·6 19·2 19·2
1000 75 75 63·3 10·0 26·7
1000 100 58 52·2 17·4 30·4
2000 50 75 70·0 6·7 23·3
2000 75 25 80·0 20·0
2000 100 45 61·1 22·2 16·7
2000 150 18 42·8 28·6 28·6
3000 50 83 65·6 3·1 31·3
3000 75 53 47·6 28·6 23·8
3000 100 25 30·0 30·0 40·0
3000 150 53 42·9 9·5 47·6

n = 40 for colchicine treatments, and 20 for controls.

* Identified after 2 months.

† Triploids and tetraploids confirmed after 6 months.