Figure 2. Specific labeling of sQDs on biotinylated AMPA receptors expressed in live neurons.
Neurons were co-transfected with post-synaptic Homer1-dsRed and biotinylated GluA2-AP (see text). (a) Fluorescent image of a neuron expressing Homer1-dsRed (red). (b) Fluorescent image of 527 nm emitting sQD-streptavidin bound to biotinylated GluA2-AP subunit of the AMPAR (green). (c) Bright-field image of the same region as in (a) and (b) show that the field of view is covered with neurons. (d) Overlay of Homer1-dsRed, sQD-labeled AMPARs, and brightfield image (a, b, c) shows that the labeling was highly specific to the transfected neuron. Very few sQDs were found on untransfected neurons or on the coverglass.