Figure 5. Correlation of the fraction of soluble KGF-2 that is oxidized after 16 weeks of storage as a function of glassy state properties and protein secondary structure retention.
A) Fraction of KGF-2 oxidized as a function of Tg. B) Fraction of KGF-2 oxidized as a function of the natural logarithm of the characteristic Johari-Goldstein relaxation time ln(τβ). C) Fraction of KGF-2 oxidized as a function of inverse mean square displacement distance for hydrogen atoms (<u2>−1) as determined by neutron scattering. D) Fraction of KGF-2 oxidized as a function of retention of KGF-2 native secondary structure, as reflected in peak width at half height (ΔW1/2) for dominant band in the second derivative infrared spectrum. Diamonds, squares and triangles represent data taken after storage at 40, 50 and 60°C, respectively.