A) A construct containing human extracellular Loop 1, remainder mouse (H1M black bars, depicted in the insert) was recognized only by Type 1 antibodies 1 and 5 and (weakly) by Type 2 antibody 13. The reciprocal construct (M1H, gray bars) reacted with all antibodies except Type 2 antibody 2; B) A construct containing human extracellular Loops 1 and 2, remainder mouse (H2M, gray bars) reacted only with Type 1 antibodies 1 and 5 and (weakly) with Type 2 antibody 13. However, construct H3M (black bars, depicted in the insert) comprising human Loops 1–3, remainder mouse, was recognized by all seven members of the antibody panel. Values on the ordinate indicate ratio of the median fluorescence intensity (MFI) signal obtained with chimeric protein to that obtained with cells expressing human CTL2 (Q154) (not shown). Studies were done in triplicate. Error bars represent ± 1.0 SD, *** = p<0.001, ** = p<0.01 relative to reaction with human CTL2 (Q154). HD=Healthy donor serum.