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. 2014 Nov 15;15:444. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-444

Table 3.

Outcome measures in the EXERPHARMA trial

Collection time points
Primary end point
Knee biomechanics (mean ±95% CI): 0, 8 weeks
  Knee index, during gait
Secondary end points:
Knee biomechanics (mean ±95% CI): 0, 8 weeks
  Knee Index, during one-leg rise
  Peak Knee Adduction Moment, during gait
  Peak Knee Adduction Moment, during one-leg rise
  Knee Adduction Moment Impulse, during gait
  Knee Adduction Moment Impulse, during one-leg rise
Functional performance test (mean ±95% CI): 0, 8 weeks
  Maximum one-leg rises from stool
  Maximum number of knee-bendings in 30-second test
  One-leg hop for distance test
Patient-reported outcomes:
Mean KOOS subscale scores (mean ±95% CI): 0, 8, 52 weeks
  Other symptoms
  Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  Sport and Recreation Function
  Knee-related Quality of Life (QOL)
Activity level:
  UCLA activity score, change from baseline 0, 8, 52 weeks
Pain level:
  Pain-level text messages, intensity (0–4) During treatment