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. 2014 Nov 19;10:77. doi: 10.1186/s12992-014-0077-5

Table 1.

Sample of population-based studies of diabetes, hypertension, stroke and associated risk factors in Uganda

Author/Year District (color) Study population Key findings with prevalence
Mayega 2012 [6] Iganga (green) Cohort study; Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site;Peri-urban and rural -Overweight: 7.5% (males), 16.9% (females)
Mayega 2014 [7]
-HBP: 20.5%
-DM by hemoglobin a1c: 11.2%
-DM by FPG: 4.8%
Maher 2011 [8] Kalungu (red) Cohort study; General Population Cohort; Rural -Overweight: 3.6% (males), 14.5% (females)
-HBP: 22.5%
-Probable DM by RPG: 0.4%
Mondo 2013 [9] Kasese (purple) Cross-sectional study; Peri-urban and rural -Overweight: 14.7% (males), 16.7% (females)
-HBP: 21%
-Physical inactivity: 51%
-Daily smokers: 9.6%
Wamala 2009 [10] Rukungiri (yellow) Cross-sectional study; Urban and rural -HBP: 34%
-Risk factors found to be independently associated with HBP: alcohol use, level of education, BMI
Nakibuuka 2014 [11] Wakiso (blue) Cross-sectional study; Urban and rural Qualitative arm; quantitative results yet to be published
-Did not recognize brain as affected organ: 77%
-Had no knowledge of stroke risk factors: 73%
-Would go to hospital if stroke symptoms: 85%

HBP high blood pressure, DM diabetes mellitus, FPG fasting plasma glucose, BMI body mass index, RPG random plasma glucose.