Integrate/coordinate/link services; use service agreements |
34, 38, 48, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 67, 68, 70 |
Consider IPV, MH & SU in IPV, MH & SU practice settings |
34, 38, 40, 49, 56, 58, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70 |
Tailor services to individual including gender specific and culturally appropriate services |
38, 49, 51, 55, 56, 59, 66, 67 |
Provide trauma-informed services, including assessment and treatment |
33, 38, 48, 49, 56, 58, 67 |
Understand complex relationships among IPV, MH & SU (provider and client) |
34, 49, 50, 56, 66, 67 |
Empower the consumer; emphasize strengths, self-esteem, resiliency |
34, 48, 49, 63 |
Employ social cognitive theories/empowerment theories/psychoeducational interventions/transtheoretical model of behavioral change/motivational interviewing/cognitive behavioral program |
50, 54, 62, 70 |
Consider multiple issues (retention, completion, relapse, practice issues, outreach, crisis intervention, physical disabilities, health problems, etc.) |
34, 40, 61 |
Create safe, confidential & non-judgmental environment; use community spaces |
34, 68; 55 |
Consider safety issues including lethality |
49, 59, 67 |
Provide practical aid |
50, 55, 69 |
Provide advocacy services |
54, 55, 67 |
Provide peer-led services |
34, 55 |
Standardize staff training; provide widespread training |
38; 59 |
Strengthen women's social support networks |
54, 69 |
Develop trust with women |
55, 59 |
Address feelings of powerlessness, helplessness & guilt |
63, 67 |
Use interactive and didactic curriculum elements |
42 |
Develop shared sense of purpose, build relationships that promote trust, inclusive leadership, developing institutional empathy, specialist positions |
53 |
Create a MH position in VAW agencies/VAW position in SU agency/etc. |
53 |
Provide ongoing client-centered assessment and referral |
58 |
Provide info about IPV/MH/SU in waiting rooms, etc. |
59 |
Provide access/engagement |
61 |
Use sensitivity in asking about abuse |
63 |
Agency & policy changes are required |
66 |
Training should be a required part of credentialing and licensing |
66 |
Be aware of negative, critical supports |
69 |