Figure 1.
Contribution of different genetic map resources to the in silico-based anchoring of the wheat chromosome 6A physical map.
(a) The number of ltc contigs that were anchored using one or a combination of different map resources: e.g. 493 ltc contigs were anchored by all three resources. (b) The corresponding cumulative size of the ltc contigs that were anchored using one or a combination of different map resources: e.g. 558 Mb was anchored by all three resources. The integrated genetic map of 6A (constructed in the current study; Appendix S6) refers to the combined genetic map derived from two highly dense wheat genetic maps, as previously described (Poland et al., 2012; Cavanagh et al., 2013). IBSC (2012) and POPSEQ (Mascher et al., 2013) refer to the publicly available Horedum vulgare (barley) resources, including data sets from the International Barley Genome Sequencing Consortium (IBSC, 2012) and population sequencing (Mascher et al., 2013), respectively.