Fig. 1. Fluorescent‐AFLP profiles of 30 Aglaonema cultivars, five cultivars from other aroid genera, and a duplicate A. commutatum ‘Treubii’ using primer IRD700 E + GG/M + CAA. The samples are arranged from left to the right in the order of (M) size markers, (S) space, (1) ‘Treubii’, (2) ‘Curtisii’, (3) ‘Silver Queen’, (4) ‘Modestum’, (5) ‘277028’, (6) ‘257‐12’, (7) ‘714‐12’, (8) ‘Echo’, (9) ‘Peacock’, (10) ‘Emerald Bay’, (11) ‘Golden Bay’, (12) ‘Donna Carmen’, (13) ‘J.G.’, (14) ‘1502’, (15) ‘Moonlight Bay’, (16) ‘Diamond Bay’, (17) ‘Ernesto’s Favorite’, (18) ‘Pictum Tricolor’, (19) ‘Amelia’, (20) ‘B.J. Freeman’, (21) ‘Camouflage’, (22) ‘Cory’, (23) ‘Costatum Hybrid’, (24) ‘Deborah’, (25) ‘Donna Carmen Mutant’, (26) ‘Emerald Star’, (27) ‘Green Lady’, (28) ‘III’, (29) ‘Jewel of India’, (30) ‘JT2000’, (S) space, (31) Anthurium ‘Red Hot’, (32) Spathiphyllum ‘64760’, (33) Philodendron ‘Moonlight’, (34) Dieffenbachia ‘Compacta’, (35) Alocasia ‘Polly’, (36) Aglaonema ‘Treubii’, (S) space, and (M) size markers.