Figure 2.
A: A typical hand trajectory along X direction in the global coordinate system with zero dwell time (TDWELL = TS). The time before T0 is Preparation (shown by the left arrow), in which the subject holds a position against FBASE. The time between T0 and the time when the force returns to FBASE is Perturbation (shown by the double-arrow line). The two dashed lines show the start and the end of the perturbation force (FPERT). The directions of both FBASE and FPERT are along positive X (X+). The right arrow on the right of the second dashed line shows Recovery, when the force is back to FBASE. Three phases for analysis were: Phase-1, the 0.5 s time interval prior to T0; Phase-2, the 0.1 s time interval prior to the initiation of FPERT drop, and Phase-3, the 0.5 s time interval that ended 0.5 s before the end of the trial. B: A typical hand trajectory along X direction in the global coordinate system with TDWELL = 3 s (TM). Phase-2 is the 0.5 s time interval prior to the initiation of FPERT drop. Perturbation time (PT) is the sum of movement time (MT) and TDWELL. C: A typical hand trajectory with TDWELL = 8 s (TL). Phase-2 is the 0.5 s time interval prior to the initiation of FPERT drop.