Figure 1. Arg1 is required for larval survival but not growth.
(A) Larval burdens in muscle of Arg1flox/flox;Tie2cre and Arg1flox/flox mice, 26 dpi. (B) Body size (area) of larvae recovered from infected Arg1flox/flox;Tie2cre and Arg1flox/flox mice, 17dpi. Bars represent means from at least 75 larvae pooled from masseters of 3 mice. (C) NO endproducts (nitrates and nitrites) in antigen-stimulated dLN cell cultures. Each data set was collected from two experiments with similar results. Values represent mean ± SD; n = 3 - 4 mice. Significant differences were determined by Student's t test or ANOVA and Tukey's test. *p < 0.05