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. 2014 Aug 21;12(1):54–68. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2014.950219

Table 2 . Scores for the ICDP group and comparison group on parenting behaviours and child difficulties before, after and at follow-up based on repeated measures ANCOVAs with pre-scores as covariate and time of measurement (after/follow-up) as within-subject factor.

      Before ICDP
After ICDP
Measure Group N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD F Group p Inline graphic F inter p Inline graphic F within p Inline graphic
Parenting strategies ICDP 62 18.74 1.97 19.63 1.69 18.84 1.98 6.38 .013* .053 1.15 .287 .010 .16 .69 .001
  Comp 57 19.33 2.30 18.98 2.59 18.86 2.52                  
Activities (25–125) ICDP 23 104.74 9.55 105.65 10.62 105.17 9.27 1.98 .166 .039 2.40 .128 .047 1.45 .234 .029
  Comp 31 104.29 8.90 101.23 9.11 103.68 9.02                  
Watch TV/play computer games with adult1 ICDP 22 2.58 2.66 2.21 1.92 2.09 1.63 5.54 .024* .130 .020 .887 .001 2.15 .151 .055
  Comp 20 1.40 1.18 1.75 1.52 2.01 1.61                  
Child management ICDP 45 2.26 .55 2.07 .50 2.15 .51 12.93 .001* .144 2.56 .113 .032 8.89 .004* .104
  Comp 37 2.11 .48 2.16 .46 2.44 .63                  
Positive discipline (0–105) ICDP 42 44.92 19.12 52.92 24.47 44.93 13.65 1.37 .244 .016 .854 .358 .010 .98 .325 .012
  Comp 47 44.52 21.70 45.61 21.38 43.18 22.76                  
SDQ (total difficulties) (0–40) ICDP 60 8.30 4.09 7.22 4.47 7.67 4.76 3.03 .084 .028 1.22 .272 .011 1.05 .308 .010
  Comp 50 6.10 3.30 6.34 3.88 6.18 3.13                  
SDQ prosocial (0–10) ICDP 61 7.20 2.38 7.47 2.34 7.49 2.20 .014 .906 .000 .001 .975 .000 1.84 .178 .017
  Comp 53 7.83 2.03 7.98 1.81 7.89 1.61                  
SDQ impact score (0–10) ICDP 58 .43 .88 .27 .87 .53 1.59 .125 .724 .001 .728a .395 .007 .59 .442 .005
  Comp 57 .09 .34 .11 .45 .07 .26                  

Notes: F = ANOVA, interaction between group and time, measuring the difference in change scores between the two groups. p, probability; Inline graphic, effect size. * p = < .05.


Please note that the means for “Watching TV and playing computer games with adult” are given in hours.